I am Kristjan Jansen, an UX/UI designer, developer and educator. I used to work for Skype and Bolt. Here is my web resume and PDF resume.
See also my Github, Twitter and Linkedin pages.
I am available for hiring. Contact me on kristjan.jansen@gmail.com or +372 5016439.
UX and tech lead at elektron.art

In elektron.art, a video streaming and audience interaction platform, I worked on Nuxt 3 & Tailwind frontend and NodeJS backend. The project incorporated many experimental technologies and user experiences: collaborative realtime interactions, RTMP / HLS / WebRTC streaming, Websocket communication audio and video visualization and more.
Mental health visualization
2022. Project lead: Ulla Volke

An interactive tool for mapping and analyzing mental health and emotion patterns using d3 and Vue 3.
Estonian public services visualization
2021 https://kristjanjansen.github.io/ee

An experimental visualization of public institutions and goverment services, scraped from the open data and visualized using d3 and Vue 3.
Senior UX and frontend developer in Garden

In Garden, a Kubernetes developer tooling company in Berlin, my role was to design and build out interfaces in React, including enterprise product offering, public website, a design system written in Typescript and also experimental UIs like live dashboard and CLI client.
Founder and lead developer in Fachwerk
2018-2020 https://github.com/designstem/fachwerk https://fachwerk.dev

I am a founder, lead developer, and designer of an open-source frontend framework Fachwerk, build on top of Vue 3 that helps educators to create interactive learning experiences without programming knowledge.
The frameworks provide a simple authoring environment where the educators can create rich content, including 2D and 3D graphics, beautiful math, and more.
UX developer in Bolt data science team
2018 https://bolt.eu

My role was to help the Bolt data science team to modernize their visualization stack, allowing them to work with larger datasets in the browser more efficiently.
The solution provided was a series of interactive visualizations for high volume transportation data based on React, kepler.gl, deck.gl and data backend based on Apache Arrow. The design deployment process was handled by Vercel platform.
Bolt data science team picked up the tooling and now develops their solutions based on the proposed prototypes.
UX developer in Sixfold frontend team
2018,2021 https://sixfold.com/
My role was to work with the design lead to prototype the logistics application in React and to provide UI components and design tokens for the frontend team.
The work included creating parametric user interface in React to enabling all team members to participate in the design process.
Experimental UI designer in Proekspert R&D team
2016-2017 https://proekspert.ee/
In Proekspert, I worked on the next-generation user experience, prototyping the UI solutions and testing technologies for upcoming products.
Some of the work included realtime anomaly detection dashboard, interactive visualizations for factory floors, VR big data experiments, commandline UX design and generative brand visuals generator.
The leading technologies used were Vue and d3 in the frontend and NodeJS and SocketIO in the backend.
UX lead Jumia Porto Tech Center, Portugal
2014-2015 https://www.linkedin.com/company/porto-tech-center
My role in Jumia was building a design team for emerging markets and bringing the UX to the decision table.
In addition to hiring, design consultancy, and managing user research, I also prototyped several solutions to build up design systems and optimize the company’s products frontend performance for extreme bandwidth limitations sub-Saharan internet.
Senior interaction designer and release design lead in Skype
2005-2008 http://skype.com
Hired as the first interaction designer in the company, I designed several key features of the product, conducting usability studies and prototyping next-generation Skype client that later became the current Skype user interface.
Founder and CTO for Trip.ee
1998-2018 https://trip.ee https://github.com/tripikad/trip2

Trip.ee is Estonian oldest and most popular travel site. I have been building and designing the site for over two decades.
Originally based on Drupal, the latest iteration of the site is built on Laravel and Vue and includes the comprehensive set of geodata visualizations.